Twinning Links

Twinning is important for our town and youth organisations to learn about cultures in other countries. It enables exchanges of education, culture and sport. Other areas for town twinning can be achieved through projects which will keep the momentum of twinning strong and give the process fresh impetus for the future.

Bergen , Germany

Bergen has a population of 17,000, although this will significantly reduce during 2015 as the British Army base there is closed.  The council runs on a similar basis to the old Pembroke Borough Municipal Council and controls many day to day functions of the people and has a large budget accordingly.

The Belsen memorial Concentration Camp site is in Bergen

All parking is Free throughout the town!



Pembroke, Malta

Pembroke Town in Malta has 3645 inhabitants but is a principal council in the same way that Pembrokeshire County Council is and has many more functions  than a town council in Wales.  It is very much a new and growing town with an average age of 33 with only 91 people over the age of 70 in the last census.

It was a British Military base from 1850 to 1979 and the military cemetery holds nearly 600 graves – many from world war two.



The Old Pembroke Borough District Council which also covered Pembroke Dock decided to twin with Bergen Germany some 38 years ago and when the change from district council to Pembroke Town Council and Pembroke Dock Town council came about these links remained.  It’s true to say that Pembroke Town Council were prominent in maintaining these links but in recent years the formation of a joint twinning committee between the two councils has seen more events take place.  Recently a band and a shooting club have visited, staying at the Water Sports Centre in Llanion with a similar amount of financial support from both councils.

The twinning with Pembroke Malta came about because of the Flying boat history as Pembroke town in Malta is close to the Flying boat base in the docks at Valetta Malta.  Trips have taken place in both directions with the latest visit being The Scouting Association of Malta to Pembroke Dock Scout Groups.

Upcoming Meetings


Full Council

Thursday 11th July 2024

6.30pm - Hybrid


Finance Committee



Personnel Committee



Planning Committee




Pembroke Dock Town Council

28 Dimond Street

Pembroke Dock 


SA72 6BT




Phone: +44 (0)1646 684410


Or use our contact form.

Office Opening Hours

Monday to Friday

09.00am till 1.00pm



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